Saturday 15 January 2011

Music & Revision

So, I have this exam coming up. Physics. A resit of my GCSE which I failed. And so to bring my overall score for one of my two sciences up to a pass I need to get at least a C in Physics. I know I'm not going to get above a C and it's unlikely that I'll pass but I still need to do it. But the thing is, every year 11 has work experience on Wednesdays. I'm at Lympne Primary School, it takes me an hour to get there and an hour back. My exam is scheduled to be on Wednesday. So, the only people taking the exam are year 11s and the day the school decides to schedule it, is the one day we're not in school. I don't know whether I have to go into school for my exam and then go to Lympne but I'd have to go to school in my uniform. Do the exam which is an hour to an hour and half, then go home, get changed and get a lift or the bus to Lympne. By the time I get there, it's going to be getting on for half 12 or 1 o'clock with is silly because their school finishes at ten past 3. So, all of that rushing and journeying and I'm only going to be there for 2 hours. I'll have to find out whats happening on Monday. But until then I am banished to my room to revise all weekend, which is why, naturally, I am sat here blogging :D

I did, however, manage to sneak out this morning- Mum was at work and Dad had just gone out to his Gun Club so he sits up in a field somewhere shooting targets for hours so I had plenty of time to run down to the libary- return my book that was due back in December (It's called Torment and is the sequel to Fallen- it's a very good book and I highly reccomend it!). Then, stand in queue at W.H Smith for ages to get Vogue and then faff about trying to decide what CD to get with my HMV voucher. I ended up getting 2 for £10- The Number Of The Beast (Iron Maiden) Asylum (Disturbed).

I was pretty pleased with my purchases actually and noone noticed I'd gone out :)
Also, when I was getting the points from my receipts online (because I lost my card) I saw Korn:Greatest Hits: Volume 1 for £2.99 and free postage and packaging! Brilliant! So that should be arriving soon :)

I'd just like to say, buying CDs is so much better than downloading because if you buy the album you kind of get the full effect more than if you download it for free- plus you're helping the bands keep going! They need their fans to BUY their music, it's how they make a living and how they continue to produce the beautiful music we all love so much! So please don't download, I used to do it all the time but now I'm a strictly CD (or record) girl. Don't let CDs die out! Keep the music alive and support the artists!!

That is all. <3

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