Monday 10 January 2011

Clean Teeth

I did a photoshoot at the weekend- I being the photographer and my friend as a model for my media project. I borrowed my Nan's professional camera and everything. I was really pleased with the outcome and then went home to mess about trying to take decent photos with the family digital camera which is awful. I found out that my Great Nan was a professional photographer so I'm going to save up and get a decent camera and see if I can get some good photos :)

I was going to take Photograpy A-Level at school but the school decided I needed more GCSE's and wouldn't let me -.-"
But I'm kind of glad, because the first half of the project is self portrait and I can't stand being in photos but I enjoy taking them. So I'm thinking, out of school hobby?

Here are some from the photoshoot and some others, only about 3 are edited;

My cousin- Daniel decided he wanted to be in a picture :D

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