Friday 31 December 2010

Welcome To Our World

We are propelled into this world with such a fury of violence and force it is no wonder we live the way in which we do. We begin our lives in a mass of blood, pain and tears, we continue to live like this and then to die like this. Everything we touch we destroy. We cause nout but suffering and hate. And for the few good things on this earth, there are ten bad. Some try but we cannot change who or what we are and that is monsters. Murderers. And the bringers of our own destruction.


I spend 95% of my time thinking 'I don't want to be here'.
And the rest of the time, not thinking at all.

The Ugly Truth

It's simple really. I hate having my photo taken. That's all there is to it. I'm very ugly and do whatever I can to avoid looking in the mirror, for example, the bathroom mirror is opposite the shower, so when I get in the shower I wrap my towel around my self then-safely hidden behind the steam I chuck it over the shower door successfully avoiding glimpsing ANY part of myself in the mirror. So, I hate logging on to facebook to find the 'Someone has tagged you in a photo' notification. Whenever that happens, I feel the blood drain from my face and my stomach starts to churn. It has gotten to the point where I end up hacking people's facebook to delete any photo I'm in, or going through my friends camera's when they aren't looking to delete any photos of myself. It's not fair. My best friend loves taking photos and always does so and I always try my hardest to avoid them, especially since I KNOW she will put them on facebook, so if it isn't bad enough that your friend has an awful photo of you, but they put it on the internet for everyone to see. I've told her I want to stay out of photos or tried to compromise with 'I'll be in the photo if you don't put it online' but she always refuses and says they are all going online. My friends have actually tried to force me to be in photos and either I get angry with them or I be in the photo then delete it later. Then I get annoyed, the person taking the photo gets annoyed and I don't know about them but that brings me down for the whole day or evening or whatever.

Noone understands. Why can't they just leave me alone ?!